
This publication is oriented to customers that are looking for the best quality in the organization of their social events.
We have an extensive list of more than 100 companies in the social event market. We provide elegant advertising designs geared to attract the customer.
Exposing our clients to the maximum so they can reach their expectations is our goal.
We are the largest quinceanera magazine in Houston!! Our...

Are you a Vendor?
We have a place for you with more than 1,500 brides and quinceaneras in the same place.
The Best Expo Show in Houston! Fashion Shows, Fabulous Prizes, Live Music and more... This July 29th from 12pm to 5 pm in George R. Brown Convention Center Hall D. Reserve Your Booth Now!
For more information please
call: 832-277-4282
or 832-419-0608, or send us a message by filling out our contact form

The BIGGEST Event of the Year
Ten reasons that make us the best...
01. Held at The Most Recognized
George R. Brown Convention
Center in Houston
02. Our Attendence
03. Our Loyal Vendors
04. Extravagant
05. Our Exclusive Guests
06. The Entertainment
07. Our Beautiful Girls
08. Our Fashion Shows
09. Our Amazing Prizes
10. We have the BEST staff
Buy your tickets today --->

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